AAC Organizational Structure
AAC is organized to represent the collective interests of its members
Each member company
has an official representative with whom the Council interacts, but membership benefits and AAC access are available to all employees of each member company.
The Council is guided by a ten-member Board of Directors, comprising the Executive Committee, four Firm Directors, two Supplier Directors and one Professional-Member Director.
AAC thrives because of the participation of its members. Several committees, made up of representatives from member firms, determine the direction of Council projects and activities.
The committees are:
Academic Outreach Committee
Stimulate interest in aluminum metal finishing in the academic community and their students considering a future in electrochemistry, metallurgy, chemistry, materials science and their related engineering disciplines. The
AAC is a professional organization which deals with the science, technology and business of light metal surface finishing, primarily aluminum anodizing. The AAC believes that by engaging with the academic community,
we can benefit from each other in a variety of ways.
Education Committee
Bringing a diverse assemblage of volunteers' skills and expertise to the table, this committee's programs include the Anodizing Conference, technical publications, and networking events.
- Provides training for the industry
- Develops educational program content
- Organizes events on behalf of the anodizing industry
- Delivers technical communications.
Membership Committee
The value proposition offered by the Council to its members and to prospective members is essential to AAC's success.
- Evaluates member benefits and recommends program initiatives
- Builds a strong membership
- Encourages member involvement
- Serves as liaison between committees.
Promotion Committee
The support of members' efforts to market anodized aluminum has long been at the core of the Council's activities. The Promotion Committee continues that work while also being involved in other activities including:
- Communicates benefits of anodizing and the diverse applications for anodized
- Develops programs to promote anodizing and delivers to key audience, including relevant associations and the academic community
- Raises visibility of key products and applications
- Promotes a brand image of anodizing in the marketplace and supports members' marketing efforts.
Advocacy & Government Affairs Committee
The mission of the committee is to learn and communicate to AAC members any and all issues on the forefront that may affect the Council members’ business in relation to chemicals, emissions, safety, and regulations including advocacy in governmental affairs.
Download Committee Interest Application